Looking for a Therapist?
Below are therapist directories that the Homegirls highly recommend. Find a therapist that fits your style, needs, and that can support you along your mental wellness journey.
Founded by Dr. Joy Harden, Therapy for Black Girls is a “space dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls.” They provide space to learn about mental wellness through their podcast and blog. There is also an opportunity to join their community, Therapy for Black Girls Sister Circle. Most importantly, individuals are able to search for a provider that is Black or of color to best fit their mental health needs.
A worldwide directory, Psychology Today, is where individuals looking for mental health services can began to search for a provider that fits their needs. Providers able to searched are therapists, social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and more. Providers can also be found by insurance, price, types of therapy, and focus issues.
Open Path Psychotherapy Collective is another directory, fortunately, it was created by therapists that wanted to ensure that they were able to reach those their insurance is not able to cover adequate therapy services, or those that just can’t afford it. Prospective clients are able to search for affordable therapists especially if you are not wanting to use insurance. A one-time fee for a lifetime membership for low price therapy services that will benefit you in the long haul.